Sehr geehrte Epaphras !

As November is winding down, we have so much to be thankful for. This month was very full – and not just our bellies from two lovely thanksgiving dinners.  There were ministry trips, meetings, mentoring sessions, visitors, the girls first homecoming, an unexpected hospital visit… not to mention the renovations on our ground floor. And, as sad as we are to say goodbye to fall with it’s pumpkin lattes, breathtaking foliage and crisp autumn air, we are ready to welcome December, snow, Advent, Christmas…and Emmanuel – God with us!

Leaders in Hungary

This month we graduated our third class of twenty-two leaders from our two-year leadership development project, Euro-Intent.  It was a joy to be with these leaders in Siofok, Hungary and our team of trainers, coaches and facilitators – all pictured above.  These leaders will go back to their cities of ministry and their teams, leading with greater skills, capacities and from a renewed place of abiding in Jesus, who, as we do, promises much, lasting, fruit. (cf John 15).

Discipleship Training School – Marseille update

In September you’ll remember praying for our acquisition of a training center in Marseille, France.  As it turns out, the current owners of the facility have decided to give their building to a local university outreach ministry – in desperate need of housing.  While we are disappointed, we trust this is the Lord’s will and that He has something better in store for our future training school. The process of praying for this facility has really brought our leadership team together around this vision of a PIONEERS discipleship training school.  And, we are currently praying with a young couple who might in fact come and head up such a school. Also, we are in dialog with a hostel ministry that is looking to loan their facilities each January, February and March. That could in fact give us the facilities we need but not lock us into providing upkeep and maintenance on a building.  More soon.

Mission Tile

Thank you, River Church, for sending us a lifeline!  We were so blessed to have Shane and Heather Snesrud come and help us tile our new guest facility and office. We had no idea that our October demolition video would have such a positive impact and bring this couple from rural Minnesota to the German Black Forest. We appreciated Shane’s expertise as a mason and made much headway on our remodeling project. We hope to have the entire basement finished for our visitors by the end of December. Please come visit!


Thank you for your genuine love and fervent prayers for our youngest daughter, Julia. As she has faced many health trials over these past 14 ½  years, we have sent hundreds of requests for prayer and you have responded. Thank you! This past October, she was diagnosed with a new disease, Gilbert’s syndrome, and this explains a lot of her recent painful symptoms – stomach aches and incessant itching. Once again, would you please wrestle in prayer with us for Julia? This disease and her scratching has caused bleeding, infection, scarring, calluses, sleeplessness, and lots of tears and she is desperate for relief. We continue to battle in prayer for her! May God bring her deliverance from this suffering!

Random facts about Germany…

  • Here are some things you may not know or appreciate about German Law…
  • it’s illegal to drive too slowly on the autobahn. You must go at least 60 km per hour. Also, running out of gas on the autobahn will cost you a 35 euro fine.
  • it’s illegal to wash your car on Sunday.
  • Kids must go to school everyday. There is 180 euro fine for skipping class without a valid reason.
  • There is a “no noise Sunday” law; no exceptions for drilling, loud music, or noisy parties.
  • One thing is legal…driving your car while naked! Just make sure you put some clothes on before exiting the vehicle or you’ll be paying a 40 euro fine!

Please pray along with us:

  • Our faithful, old Opel has driven its last mile. Our car has been a blessing these past 12 years but it can no longer reach 50 km per hour going up these mountain roads. We are in need of a reliable, used car this month, this week.
  • Julia’s health. Please pray for healing and deliverance from this incessant itching.
  • Completion of our basement guest room, bathroom and office before Christmas break. We need help to complete the remodeling project.
  • Waiting for our French insurance to be valid here in Germany so Sara can see a doctor for her Lyme disease in Freiburg.

Auf Wiedersehen,
Steve, Sara, Annie and Julia