by SteveC | Nov 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
Sehr geehrte Epaphras ! As November is winding down, we have so much to be thankful for. This month was very full – and not just our bellies from two lovely thanksgiving dinners. There were ministry trips, meetings, mentoring sessions, visitors, the girls first...
by SteveC | Jul 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
Dear Epaphras, Yesterday, July 14th, was France’s independence day, Bastille day – which commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789, an event that ignited the French Revolution. While France celebrates let me share a few short bits and ask you to pray...
by SteveC | May 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Dear Epaphras, “Our kids didn’t want to leave…” That is the sign of a good conference. We had 107 TCKs this year of all ages at the conference last week. Remember, TCKs (Third Culture Kids) with PIONEERS are by default, and not at their own... by SteveC | Nov 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
By a Pioneers In Europe FieldworkerOf the more than 1.8 million refugees who crossed the EU’s borders in 2015, more than 90% are of Sunni Muslim background. The rich Muslim countries of the Persian Gulf have not offered to take in any refugees. As local... by SteveC | Sep 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Dear EpaphrasTHANK YOU for your hospitality this summer! We arrived back to France tired, yet very encouraged and refreshed. It was great to see so many of you and share what the Lord is doing in Europe! We will certainly share more details in the... by SteveC | Jul 27, 2016 | Uncategorized
Dear Epaphras,Today’s attack in Rouen, France was closer to home, both physically (Bayonne—our home—is just a few hundred miles from Rouen) and spiritually, as the attack was carried out against a 92 year old priest and a handful of parishioners, while he led a...
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