We are seeking the Lord as to how our teams might minister to some very significant social challenges in Europe. One is the issue of illegal immigration. Watch this video on the UNHCR website and I imagine you’ll find it hard to believe this is actually happening in Europe – people eating out of trashcans!
After World War II, countries like Britain and France invited huge populations from their former colonies in Asia and Africa to immigrate and help rebuild Europe. In fact, much of Europe was rebuilt on immigrant labor. So, how did we get from those days were immigrants were seen as re-builders and contributors to today when immigration is often a four-letter-word and migrants have become a problem to be solved?
With the global downturn, it seems the sense of desperation is on the rise. The Syrian crisis alone has produced already 2.1 million refugees. Like after WWII, immigrants are streaming into Europe, but now, sadly, they aren’t welcome by the majority of Europeans. These migrants ignore the European value of secularism, which is nothing more than atheism, and bring with them their beliefs and religion. Most immigrants into Europe today are Muslim. In turn, massive mosques are springing up – even in Basque country.
How can PIONEERS respond? In Greece, our newest Area Leader, Andrew, is asking that very question. And, that is what we would like you to pray about today. How can we demonstrate Christ’s love for the foreigners and aliens in Europe? How can we minister into social needs and plant reproducing churches at the same time? How can we encourage the small church in Europe to open her arms to these new arrivals with immediate and desperate needs? Please seek the Lord on our behalf.
For His Glory in Europe,
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