Dear Epaphras,
One of the biggest challenges about living overseas among the least-reached-for-the-gospel, is parenting. As believers we long to see our kids walking in the Faith, growing in the knowledge and love of Jesus. Paul the apostle said he could have, “no greater joy than to see his children walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4). We are grateful, sometimes envious, for our friends and family back home whose kids grow up surrounded by others, who love and walk with Jesus. Just being honest, its hard to see pictures of kids heading off to bible camp, crazy pizza nights at youth group or attending the latest christian concert, knowing that your kids have never experienced this kind of christian community.
Annie and Julia have only known France. While this country has a top notch educational system, our girls don’t have a single Christian friend at their school of 1200. Their “youth group” has amazing, committed leaders, but there are only a handful (5 or 6) of kids. And it’s been a real trial for A & J to develop deep friendships.
But, God is at work. This weekend, we had the joy of seeing Julia baptised (video). She testified to our congregation of how she wanted to know and follow Jesus more closely. And, she testified to a crowded beach, filled with sun bathers and surfers, that for her to live in Christ is more important than being one of the cool kids. Like Paul, we are very proud of her.
We would ask you to pray for our oldest daughter, Annie. She doesn’t always get the attention her chronically ill sister does. She is beautiful and intelligent (working on her 3rd language as she enters the 8th grade). She has had a hard time making friends here in Bayonne. She has been bullied on numerous occasions but always responds with grace and compassion – even when her dad wanted her to respond with a fist. She is a natural extrovert and the “life of the party” but she is often, for some reason, isolated. She does have one good friend, Elina. But, Elina lives 2 hours away.
The youth group is starting up next week. Pray for a healthy dynamic to develop among the kids – especially the 8 teenage girls. Pray these girls would be committed to the Lord and each other. Pray also for a good friend for Annie.
Coming to Coronado
This weekend, I (Steve) be giving a short update at Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church during both services and then I’ll be accompanying my mom and brother from Salt Lake City to Coronado the following weekend for a one day visit to St. Paul’s Methodist – her church of 40+ years. Mom’s friends have organised a brunch after the second service on September 20th. We would love to see you… Please contact Jerry Swisher for details – click here to send Jerry an email.
Thanks for standing with us,
Steve and Sara Currey
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