Dear Epaphras,preaching-at-veces
Just a quick update from Budapest.  Szia (pronounced see-ya) means hello in Hungarian.  Thanks for praying this past week.  We are grateful for all the Lord has done and showed us in preparation for our move in December.

Sunday we worshiped in Veces, a suburb of Budapest.  Steve preached from Jeremiah 9 on ‘knowing God’ as the only thing worthy of boasting in.  Jeremiah wrote, “let not the strong man boast in his strength, or the wise man in his wisdom, nor the rich man in his wealth, but let him who boasts boast that he knows and understands me, says the Lord…”  Later that day we headed to Vienna, Austria where we spent time with Doug and Tricia Stoner – our Area Leaders for Austria, Slovakia, Czech and Slovenia.

Tuesday we had a great meeting with Julia’s future doctor, Milen Minkov.  Dr Minkov is a pediatric hematologist who specializes in rare anemias.  He was born in Bulgaria, educated and trained in Moscow and has been practicing in Vienna for the past 20 years.  That seems complex.  But when you think about Julia – a Senegalese born American raised in France, moving to Hungary who will be treated in Vienna – cultural complexities abound.milen-minkov

We returned to Budapest later that day and visited the school the girls will attend.  This school (ICSB) will be a great opportunity for Julia and Annie who have, until now, only known secular french education.  ICSB is a Christian school and the majority of kids come from missionary homes.

Please pray for us as we prepare our move in December.  Hungary will be a HUGE cultural shift for us.  The language will be a challenge.  Also, the medical system will be a challenge, pray we would find a local doctor to oversee Julia’s care when a trip to Vienna is not possible.

Today we are heading back to France to reunite with Julia and Annie.  We have a busy autumn of ministry ahead.  This weekend we will host our french director who will preach in our Biarritz church on ministering to Muslims in France and abroad.

Thanks for standing with us in prayer and financial support,

Blessings in Jesus,

Steve and Sara