Dear Epahpras,
Last month we wrote you about what one team in Bosnia was doing in response to the tragic flooding. The Lord has opened a door for the Gospel and our team continues to gain access through the mayor of Ol—. He has started referring our church planters to needy families so they can show the Love of God to people in need. Many of the flood victims are still living in shelters – pray for the city of Vares, Bosnia
Pray also for a city in Southern Serbia, N-P, where there is no gospel witness. This city of 50,000 is 85% muslim. Our team there is asking for an open door to move in, live and preach the Gospel. Of N-P, our area leader writes, “I would ask you to please do more than just pray. Join us in pleading to God that the hope and light of the gospel of peace which brings reconciliation and life, would come to these places in power!!!”
This spring has been especially busy. One big emotional event was moving Steve’s mom into a memory care facility in Salt Lake City – 10 minutes from his brother Michael. Moving her from Coronado was a tough decision, but we’ve already seen some improvement. The center is working to cut her medication, she is among her peers as far as her disease is concerned and is making new friends. And, she adores the pets that roam the facility. Thank you for standing with us and praying for Jean Lee’s transition. She had to leave her friends in Coronado rather abruptly so we are planning a visit later this year for a proper au revoir.
Steve is on a ministry trip for 9 days. He was at the France board meeting this weekend in Crest where he gave two devotions on 1st and 2nd Peter and various other reports. Today, he is en route for Thailand where he will meet with a small working group designing a training program for new team leaders in PIONEERS. He returns in a week. Pray this group would know the Lord’s leading as they work toward increasing the skills and abilities of our team leaders.
Pray for Sara and the girls in Steve’s absence. The girls are just two weeks from the end of school (school in France goes into July). Pray for Sara as she will be hosting short-termers this week. And, ask the Lord to speak through her as she meets and prays with 3-4 women on a regular basis.
Blessings in Jesus,
Steve and Sara
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