Dear Epaphras,

On Easter our service was standing room only as more than 70 tried to squeeze into our church.  It was a joyous problem to have!  The Resurrection was creatively presented in drama and for many people it was the first time they heard a biblical explanation of the events surrounding the most important day in the history of the world – Jesus’ victory over sin and death!

Earlier in the week we met as a congregation and decided to launch out in faith, and trust the Lord for the resources to find a bigger meeting space.  We voted 26 to 6 to not renew our current lease which expires in October.  God is moving!  Pray the Lord would lead us to a bigger building.  Pray our congregation would have massive faith to trust the Lord to provide.

The Saturday morning bible study that meets in our kitchen is currently studying the Holy Spirit – although we took a break before Easter to focus on the Resurrection – which was new to many.  In fact, I think the most memorable Easter 2016 memory we had was sitting at our kitchen table explaining the Resurrection to Lih – our Chinese friend who has recently come to faith.  When you look at all the witnesses, historical accuracy and corroborating evidence, its a wonder anyone would willingly choose not to believe.Lake Millstat - Austria

Like our church’s FB page when you can – even if you don’t understand french.

A few weeks ago we asked you to pray for my (Steve’s) time in Austria.  It was really encouraging being with Doug and Tricia (our Area Leaders in Central Europe) and 21 church planters and their families.  Doug said the three messages I preached were well received and folks were encouraged.  Thanks for praying.  Here is a picture I took of the lake near the conference facility.  It was a beautiful weekend in Millstatt, Austria!

Blessings in Jesus,

Steve, Sara, Annie and Julia


ps – Fuel for praying for Europe!  Did you know that the Czech Republic is considered the most atheistic country in the world?