Dear Epaphras,
The Currey clan is spread out this weekend from France and Austria to Thailand.
As I write, Sara is finishing up her last week-long intensive in leadership development in Chaing Mai, Thailand. She was asked to teach a module of the course on Cross Cultural mentoring this afternoon and would appreciate your prayers.
I (Steve) was home in Bayonne caring for the girls until yesterday – Mr. mom is translated in french as papa poule or “daddy chicken.” Annie, Julia and I had a great time, but, I fear the girls were getting tired of re-re-re-heated leftovers…
Yesterday, I left the girls with Lauren for the weekend to come speak at the PIONEERS Central Europe retreat. I’ll be delivering 3 messages on, ‘re-discovering your delight in the Lord‘ from Psalm 37 and John 15. There will be 22 adults and as many children. Please pray the Lord would speak as we open His Word. Pray that each of these precious church planters would be encouraged and grow closer to the Lord this weekend. Above is a photo from the Castle (retreat center) where we’ll be gathering. The beauty of southwestern Austria should be conducive to the theme.
We will be reunited as a family Sunday evening. Pray for our safe return travel’s from Thailand and Austria. Pray the girls would have a good time with Lauren – boy are we are grateful for Lauren! Pray we would seize each opportunity the Lord presents to bring Him glory.
In Christ,
Steve for the Curreys
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