O Lord, my heart is not proud,
nor do I have a haughty look.
I do not have great aspirations,
or concern myself with things that are beyond me.
Indeed I am composed and quiet,
like a young child carried by its mother;
I am content like the young child I carry.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
now and forevermore! (Psalm 131)
This Psalm of David provides a pretty basic way to achieve a balanced rhythm in life and still produce much, lasting fruit in ministry. So much stress stemming from the evangelical “rat race” comes to us as we seek to achieve great things for God and get out of step with God. David, in Psalm 131 gives us some insight as to how a better rhythm is achieved.
First, stay humble. Recognize that God has called, gifted and equipped you for the ministry He has placed before you. Resting in this fact calms our search for significance. Look forward to the day when you’ll hear Christ, and no one else, whisper, “well done my good and faithful servant.” Much, lasting fruit in ministry is a result of faithfulness and does not’t come by working feverishly.
Second, stay within the sphere of ministry He has called you. When you are bored or not seeing results in ministry, don’t aspire to replicate the ministries of others which are seemingly more fruitful that your own. Know and stay within your limits. You’ll do the great things for God as you abide daily in Him (John 15) not as you seek after great things.
Lastly, wait peaceably on the Lord. This is the hardest one. David said he was, “composed and quiet, like a young child carried by his mother.” True waiting on the Lord leads to inner peace, not anxiety. When you lose your peace in ministry, take a pause, press into the Lord until you get it back.
Spain this weekend…![sparks]()
This weekend we drive as a family to Gijon, Spain to visit Shane, Ruth, Kye, Joel and Finn Sparks. Shane is the area leader for the Iberian Peninsula, one of our fastest growing areas. Pray the Lord would use our visit as an encouragement to Shane and Ruth. Pray that our kids would be able to encourage theirs. Shane and Ruth have been a huge encouragement to their local church in Gijon, guiding them to become truly missional over the past 8 years. Give thanks to Jesus for the Sparks family and their faithfulness to Him and to what the Lord has called them to in Gijon, Spain, Portugal and Basque Country.
Ethan and Jessy
We are so blessed by the arrival of Ethan and Jessy last summer to Basque Country. Ethan is the son of a former missionary Steve served with in Haiti in the early 90’s. Ethan and Jessy have a heart to minister to kids, specifically kids at our small church. They have already pulled together a group of about 15 junior high kids that meet every Friday. Annie is part of this group and loves it! During the week, she spends most school days surrounded by non-believers. Pray this new group (Nouvelle Generation 13) would give these 15 kids a solid anchor in the Lord.
Thanks for standing with us in prayer!
Steve and Sara
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