Dear Epaphras,
What is it like being a mom and a missionary in Europe? Depending on the day of the week we moms are experiencing joys and sorrows, or perhaps both at the same time.
There is great joy for many of our mothers who faithfully serve on this continent. The joy of serving and empowering our husbands and children so they can succeed is so satisfying! Helping our kids learn another language and culture, by putting their needs above ours, is also rewarding. The joy of experiencing our local ministries bear fruit in our kid’s schools, our local church or in our neighborhood is energizing.
However, the sorrows can be as numerous as the joys. Our mothers in Europe have shared with me the pain of being isolated. The distance from extended family brings sadness and often feelings of guilt. Comforting your children when they miss their cousins and grandparents is hard, especially when that same sorrow fills your soul. Feeling isolated is magnified if your husband carries a burden of travel with his position. His absence deepens everyone’s feeling of loneliness.
Another stress is always feeling like a foreigner. Most of our mothers are highly involved in their local cities and integrate to their fullest. They join parent teacher associations, attend school functions, sporting events and host birthday parties for their kids. Regardless, the feelings of being a cultural outsider never go away.
Then there is the pressure of being everything to our little ones. Mom missionaries are the doctor at one moment and the youth leader the next. They shift from being the Sunday school teacher on Sundays to the school tutor and homework helper on Monday. Some of our moms home-school their kids which adds another layer of responsibility. Regardless, their children’s education depends on them. Oh, did I mention that trying to help your 4th grader with homework in a foreign language is also hard on the ego?
This week, would you wrestle in prayer for our moms in Europe? Pray for Kim, Ruth, Sheri, Debra, Jacque, Patricia, Tricia, Tahran, Alecia, myself and many others. Ask that we would find in Jesus both joy abundant and comfort in our sorrows.
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